What to Do if an Injury Occurs at Work

Many jobs, including those in the construction, manufacturing, and agricultural industries, can lead to injuries at work. If you become disabled due to factors at work—even if the disability was not caused by a single event—you will often qualify for workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation is financial support provided by your employer to cover the expense of your disability.

Each state has slightly different laws on who can qualify for workers’ compensation disability benefits, but in general, most states follow the following three criteria for establishing responsibility:

1: The job was the sole cause of the condition (like a lung disease from working with coal)

2: A substantial factor in accelerating a pre-existing condition (like a back injury)

3: A contributory causative factory in the progression of the condition (arthritis due to poor ergonomics at the workplace)

When these conditions are present, the employer must provide some financial compensation for the medical disability. However, the disabled person must prove that the employer is responsible in some way.

Finding Financial Support

When your employer causes your disability, you have certain rights that the employer must uphold. However, many employers will fight to prove that they are not liable for the disability—even if you believe they are. If you believe your employer is responsible for your disability, the best course of action is to hire a qualified lawyer who will fight for your compensation rights. Not only will the lawyer be able to help you receive support from your employer, but he or she will also be able to help you find financial support from other areas, such as Social Security disability income.

You can get financial support from the following areas:

  • Company disability coverage
  • Social Security disability
  • Non-profit disability organizations

Make sure you apply for benefits within the appropriate time frame or you could miss out on benefits that will help you recover and get back on your feet.

Getting Back on Your Feet

Getting back on your feet after a temporary disability can be a challenge. You can receive help from several places, including the government, your employer, and rehabilitation programs. If you can continue with work after your disability, most employers are legally bound to accommodate your new disability, as long as you can work in some capacity. Some workers’ compensation benefits will even cover the cost of rehab programs so you can get back to work sooner. You can also apply for rehab benefits through the government or non-profit organizations designed to help the disabled get back on their feet.

If you have become disabled at work, you can apply for disability online today. It is important to apply for benefits quickly as the window for disability benefits can be small—especially if you want your employer to pay. To receive the maximum benefits, it is a good idea to hire a qualified advocate or lawyer to help you navigate the complicated world of disability benefits and ensure you get the benefits that you deserve.



I'm Lilly Sheperd, an occasional guest-blogger and a full time freelance communication consultant. When not blogging, I like to travel and read a lot, especially about education and law.
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