Steps to File a Divorce Process

(US family law) Divorce is a complex legal process. You need to have proper understanding of the divorce laws of your state and the legalities in the process. The process of divorce stats with filing the divorce papers. Once the divorce papers are filed, the other spouse is served with divorce notice and gets a time frame of 30 days to reply against or in support of the petition. If you are opting for an uncontested divorce, then you will need to file the divorce papers and wait for the judge to hear your case. However, in a contested divorce, you will be required to hire the services of a divorce attorney to get this done for you.

Top Divorce Lawyers in America

See also this guide to some of the top divorce & separation attorneys in America Divorce can be a painful and emotional experience for most people who go through it. The stakes are high, and the outcome may have far-reaching consequences for your future. As a result, you must have a knowledgeable and experienced attorney on your side. Here are some of the best divorce lawyers in America, organised by state: More information to follow in due course but in the meantime here are some key steps you should be aware of when considering getting a divorce:-

Given below are the steps to get a divorce:

  1. The process of divorce starts with filing the divorce papers. Divorce papers are legal documents that contain information about you and your spouse. In the divorce forms you will be required to provide information about the financial standing of both the spouses. Along with the divorce papers you also need to provide documents like investment and mortgage documents, tax documents and documents related to marital assets.
  2. Once the divorce papers are filed in the court, the second stage is taking temporary orders from court. Filing a petition for temporary orders will help you in getting financial aid from your spouse if you are dependent on that person for your day to day expenditures. Temporary orders will also help you in getting a stay on disposal of marital property.
  3. Once the decree of divorce is given by the court, then comes the most important decision of spousal support and child custody and support. Most of the divorce cases get dragged into litigation because of these two issues. In order to avoid this, make a common settlement agreement in accordance with your spouse. Make sure that this agreement caters the best interest of both the spouses. If you have children in the marriage, then you will need to draft a child support and custody agreement. These documents will be required by the court while giving decision on financial and child support issues. If you are not able to come on a settlement with your spouse, then the chances are that your case will get dragged into endless litigations. Read here are some few tips for filing a divorce



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