5 Things You Didn’t Know About Driving Semi Trucks

Semi-truck drivers are an extremely necessary component of American life, but there are many things about the job that most people do not know. Whether you have ever considered working as a trucker or are simply curious to learn more about the profession, the following list will provide you with five insights into the life of driving a semi-truck.

Five Things You Never Knew about Driving Semi-Trucks

1.) Accidents Usually Include a Fatality – Due to the size of a semi-truck, it is very unusual for a trucker to be involved in an accident that does not lead to a fatality. In fact, almost 98 percent of the semi-truck accidents that occur in the U.S. include the death of at least one person. Fortunately for the trucker, it is usually the other driver who dies. Unfortunately, this can lead to criminal charges and a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit. The odds of being in an accident go way up in a major city such as Atlanta. Therefore, you should definitely look into a truck accident attorney in Atlanta if you find yourself in this situation.

2.) Owner-Operators Make the Most Money – Although a trucker who owns and operates his or her own semi-truck will have to deal with upkeep and other aspects of running a business, they typically make 2.5 times the annual salary of the average truck driver. Because of this, many truckers make the leap and become owner-operators after they have a few years of experience under their belt.

3.) Semi-Truck Drivers are Responsible for Basic Mechanical Upkeep – Even though most truckers probably do not spend time doing anything more than basic repairs themselves, they are required to be able to perform daily safety inspections on the semi to ensure that it is properly operational. Any failure to adhere to this policy could result in a traffic accident, and the truck driver could be held negligent for any injuries or damage that occurs.

4.) Truck Drivers can Legally Drive for 70 Hours Per Week – In 2011, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association reduced the amount of hours that a semi-truck driver could legally work each week from 82 to 70. However, truckers are still allowed to stay on the road for up to 11 hours a day as long as they do not exceed the weekly maximum. Even though the law states that truck drivers have to take a 30 minute break after every eight hours of work, it is still very possible for fatigue to cause accidents when someone spends 70 hours a week on the road.

5.) Semi-Truck Drivers often have Health Issues – Because of the stress of working long hours combined with a lack of sleep and exercise, truck drivers have a high risk of having a stroke or a heart attack. Truckers are also more likely to have high cholesterol and issues with their back and neck.

Even though driving a semi-truck does have its own specific risks, it is a career that many people feel very satisfied by. After all, without truck drivers, the majority of the goods and produce that are shipped across the country would not be able to make it to your local store. However, if you are involved in an accident with a truck driver, it is important to contact a personal injury attorney to help ensure that your medical bills will be properly taken care of.

Anthony Joseph is a freelance writer who usually discusses legal issues, and is contributing this article to offer information to someone who might be interested in the trucking profession. After being injured in an accident, having a truck accident attorney in Atlanta from the firm of Stokes & Kopitsky is the best decision you can make. They’ve recovered over 50 million dollars in settlements and verdicts for injured victims in Atlanta and other areas of the state.

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