No win no fee has become a phrase we hear every day of the week in the UK when it comes to legal procedures. Until you are in the situation of thinking about making a claim and paying for legal assistance from a solicitor, understanding exactly what is meant by no win no fee and how it works in practical terms. In cases for clinical or medical negligence, or accident compensation claims, no win no fee agreements are the way most clients finance their legal action. But how do no win no fee agreements actually work and who is eligible to use them? What is the best way to find a good solicitor to help you make your compensation claim? Read on for a basic guide to no win no fee agreements.
The UK Compensation Claim Process
You could be eligible to make a claim for compensation if you have suffered an injury which was caused by some else’s negligent behaviour or if you are left with a more serious illness or poor quality of life because of negligent mistakes – say by a surgeon. First go to see a specialist solicitor and take with you all of the evidence and information you have about what happened to you. The solicitor will then be able to advise whether you have grounds for a claim, and what steps you should take next.
At this stage most solicitors will offer a no win no fee agreement, which may also sometimes be called a Conditional Fee Agreement. No win no fee agreements are especially appropriate for people who want to make a claim but are worried about affording the legal costs involved. Legal Aid is no longer available for compensation claims involving accidents and medical negligence [except for an extremely limited category of birth injuries].
How Does My Solicitor Get His Money?
If you’re not paying your solicitor upfront, then how do they make any money? When he or she is dealing with a personal injury or medical negligence case, the solicitor will first consider all of the information and evidence you have provided to them and will decide whether on balance, the evidence is strong enough to provide a good chance of success. If they agree to take on a case on a no win, no fee basis, they do so because they are confident of it being successful. The solicitor should get paid their costs by the person or organisation you are making the claim against. This sort of arrangement gives you a lot more flexibility when it comes to making a claim and means that you don’t need to fret about paying the legal bill for your compensation claim.
Finding a Good UK No Win No Fee Solicitor
There are lots of law firms who offer general no win no fee services when it comes to compensation claims, but as medical or clinical negligence is such a specialist field, it is best to look for an experienced solicitor who has a good track record of managing these sorts of claims. Unlike the more general claims management companies, they will have the specialist training and experience required to get you the compensation due.
Most no win no fee solicitors offer a first consultation free of charge, and this is a good opportunity to get to meet your solicitor in person and see if they are someone you get on with. If your accident or illness is such that you cannot make visits to their offices, most solicitors are happy to arrange to come to you, either at home or in hospital. There’s no good reason not to start things in motion right away, so pick up the phone and call today.
Tim Bishop is senior partner of Bonallack and Bishop – specialist compensation claim solicitors. For more information visit their specialist websites at or

Tim Bishop

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