Compensation claims made simple | The Compensation Group

Personal injury is a real hot topic at the moment. Every time you turn on the TV or browse the web you can’t help but hear about compensation claims; stories of workplace accidents, negligence and personal injury claims seem to be what everyone’s talking about.

To make some sense of this communication overload we’ve created a simple guide to Personal Injury compensation that should help clear things up a little bit.

What you need to know about ‘Personal Injury Compensation’
Personal injury occurs when you suffer an injury, either physical or psychological, as a result of an accident. If you were not at fault for this accident and someone else was to blame then it’s possible to claim compensation for your injuries. It’s only fair that you shouldn’t suffer for something that wasn’t your fault.

There are many types of Personal injury. These can happen in an array of different situations and locations, some common examples are cycling accidents, trips or falls, holiday accidents, sports injuries, animal injuries, workplace accidents and car accidents. If you’d like to know more about all the different personal injuries you could claim for, visit The Compensation Group

If, at any time during the last three years, you’ve been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault you could be entitled to claim compensation.

How to make a compensation claim.
The process of claiming compensation can look confusing at first and the idea of solicitors, paperwork and courtrooms can be very intimidating. However, it’s important to know that more often than not the whole process is simple and hassle free.

Most of the paperwork is usually handled by solicitors; and around 95% of compensation cases are resolved outside the courtroom. So you needn’t worry about making a claim; there are lots of people who can help make the process quick and simple for you. is a goldmine of information for anyone considering claiming compensation. There’s information on all types of claim, a handy claims calculator and they’ve got loads of friendly advisors ready and waiting to help you. There’s also a clever 20 second test that helps you get your compensation claim started in next to no time! Just fill out one simple form and wait for an advisor to tell you if you’re entitled to make a claim.

What’s really great about this service is that, even after you contact them, there’s no obligation to proceed with a claim, but if you’re case is eligible they’ll choose you the ideal compensation claim solicitor ; taking into account your location and your specific needs.

What does a ‘No Win No Fee’ offer?

Quite simply, a ‘No Win No Fee’ claim gives anyone who has been injured, through no fault of their own, the opportunity to claim compensation for their injuries without the risk of ending up having to pay large legal bills if their claim is unsuccessful.

This makes claiming compensation claim much fairer and a lot less intimidating for everyone. We all deserves the chance to fight for justice and the ‘No Win No Fee’ service helps to make sure that this justice is available to everyone, without huge risks. So, if you’ve been injured in the last 3 years, and it wasn’t your fault, you’ve got nothing to lose. Make a claim today!

How much compensation am I entitled to?
The amounts of compensation received from Personal injury claims are notoriously difficult to predict but it is possible to form a rough estimate based on the type of injury. The Compensation Group’s Claims Calculator tool is a great way to see what amount of compensation you could potentially receive.

This easy-to-use tool allows you to click on the area of your body that you have injured and receive an instant estimate of how much compensation you could claim.

Who can help?

The Compensation Group understand that accidents and injuries can cause a huge amount of pain; that’s why they do their utmost to make claiming compensation quicker and easier than ever before. They’re friendly, expert and trustworthy team are always there to help. Contact The Compensation Group today.

Visit or call 0800 085 4935 to talk to The Compensation Group about making a No Win No Fee claim today.





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