Heating Oil Tanks: Complying with Legislation

When building a house, whether it is a self build or a commercial venture, there are a great deal of rules and regulations you need to be aware of. From building and planning regulations to environmental law you need to ensure you’re abiding by this legislation to avoid having to re-do any building work.

Although heating oil tanks will be one of the final installations for the new home, there are a number of environmental laws you must abide by when making this installation. Every year, leaks and spillages from heating oil tanks cause a variety of pollution incidents – from polluting streams and rivers to even potentially damaging groundwater supplies if the oil soaks through soil and rock. As the UK’s public water supplies come from these sources it is important that we protect them, not to mention the fact that oil is toxic to plants and animals. These are the reasons why the Environment Agency has a certain rules to ensure that the risk of an heating oil tanks spillage is reasonably reduced.

Prior to selecting a heating oil tank, purchasers must complete a risk assessment for their particular installation. They may also need to apply for planning permission, depending on the size of their heating oil tank and a Fire Prevention assessment must be completed to assess exactly where the tank should be placed and how it should sit.

The following regulations are those which need to be adhered to when it comes to the installation of a heating oil tank:

  • Control of Pollution 2001 (Oil Storage) in England
  • Water Environment Regulations April 2006 (Oil Storage) in Scotland
  • Control of Pollution Regulations 1991 (Silage, Slurry & Agricultural Fuel Oil)

If your heating oil tank is to be used for domestic purposes you must also bear in mind the following regulations:

  • Building Regulations 2010 England and Wales
  • Scottish Building Standards (Domestic) Technical Handbook
  • Building Regulations Northern Ireland Technical Booklet
  • Building Regulations Part J (Ireland)
  • BS5410 – Code of Practice for Oil Fired Systems (UK and Ireland)

A registered installer and supplier will be able to offer advice about which tank to choose, but the marjoity of the above regulations can be covered by the use of a bunded heating oil tank. A bunded tank is essentially a tank within a tank which reduces the risk of a spillage.

About the Author: This article is written on behalf of  The Oil Tank Store, selling heating oil tanks to the domestic and commercial market: http://www.the-oiltankstore.co.uk/.

The Oil Tank Store supply heating oil tanks to the domestic and commercial market. Their new website holds a range of products and advice about selecting the right heating oil tank.

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